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Nathan Bransford - Literary Agent: The Top 10 Myths About E-Books

Re: Seth bHanisek/b Today's new books are going to be old someday. My concern is for future generations. Printed books are a tangible connection to the past. I don't want that to be lost. I also understand that there are valid reasons and b....../b I carry 25 books in my purse when we go on bvacation/b. My husband usually has to make an additional trip to the bookstore after reading the latest hardcover blockbuster novel. One other advantage for authors is that their books remain ...
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CARMS PAGE: Busy bee me again

Hilton Branson Convention Center in Missouri - Who would not want to have a relaxing bvacation/b? Look at the grand architectural design of Hilton Branson Convention Center at Branson, Missouri. This place... 7 hours ago. Heavenly Delight ... 15 hours ago. TAMIL CINEMA NEWS ? Sridevi in Tamil film ? - Dhanus next film is ?Mappillai?. This is the remake of Rajin's ?Mappillai?. bHaniska/b Motwani is the heroine in the film. The earlier ?Mappillai? Amala was... 16 hours ago ...
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